Tuesday, August 28, 2012

religious inconsistencies

If there is a definitive example of humans' ability to explain away factual inconsistencies in order not to disturb their belief system, it's got to be religion - as this image reminded me this morning:

You don't need to take a course in biblical exegesis (even though I did years ago - and I highly recommend you do too) to admire the creative rationalizations of Judeo-Christians (and, I'm sure, other religious believers) to justify why, for example, it makes perfect sense that we're all descended from Adam and Eve, a couple who only had sons.

But what grates is how many of those same inconsistent believers point to others and demand consistency between their holy book and their religious beliefs - for example, how some Judeo-Christians pick out passages in the Koran and claim that Islam is inherently violent. That is an inconsistency I cannot admire.

recent research

Catching up with Kevin Lewis picks:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

recent research

From the great aggregator Kevin Lewis: